
Daily Reading for Saturday, September 30th, 2017

Reading 1, Zechariah 2:5-9, 14-15

5 Then, raising my eyes, I had a vision. There was a man with a measuring line in his hand.

6 I asked him, 'Where are you going?' He said, 'To measure Jerusalem, to calculate her width and length.'

7 And then, while the angel who was talking to me walked away, another angel came out to meet him.

8 He said to him, 'Run, and tell that young manthis, "Jerusalem is to remain unwalled, because of the great number of men and cattle inside.

9 For I -- Yahweh declares -- shall be a wall of fire all round her and I shall be the Glory within her." '

14 Sing, rejoice, daughter of Zion, for now I am coming to live among you -Yahweh declares!

15 And on that day many nations will be converted to Yahweh. Yes, they will become his people, and they will live among you. Then you will know that Yahweh Sabaoth has sent me to you!

Responsorial Psalm, Jeremiah 31:10, 11-12, 13

10 Listen, nations, to the word of Yahweh. On the farthest coasts and islands proclaim it, say, 'He who scattered Israel is gathering him, willguard him as a shepherd guarding his flock.'

11 For Yahweh has ransomed Jacob, rescued him from a hand stronger than his own.

12 They will come, shouting for joy on the heights of Zion, thronging towards Yahweh's lavish gifts, for wheat, new wine and oil, sheep and cattle; they will be like a well-watered garden, they will sorrow no more.

13 The young girl will then take pleasure in the dance, and young men and old alike; I shall change their mourning into gladness, comfort them, give them joy after their troubles;

Gospel, Luke 9:43-45

43 and everyone was awestruck by the greatness of God. But while everyone was full of admiration for all he did, he said to his disciples,

44 'For your part, you must have these words constantly in mind: The Son of man is going to be delivered into the power of men.'

45 But they did not understand what he said; it was hidden from them so that they should not see the meaning of it, and they were afraid to ask him about it.


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