“Don’t worry about the NRA. They’re on our side” Trump told Governors

Image result for 'Don't worry about the NRA,' Trump tells U.S. governors

U.S. President Donald Trump told governors on Monday not to worry about the National Rifle Association lobbying group as states consider how to improve school safety after 17 students and educators were killed at a Florida high school on Feb. 14 by a gunman with semi automatic rifle.
The massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, inflamed the nation’s long-running debate over gun rights.
Trump, a Republican who backed gun rights during and since his 2016 presidential campaign, last week suggested that arming teachers could help stop more rampages. He did not mention on Monday raising the legal age to buy assault rifles to 21, an idea he emphasized last week and one that Florida’s Scott, also a Republican, backed after the rampage.
The shooting has rattled long-drawn political lines on gun rights in the United States, where Republican officials have often backed any efforts to tighten gun ownership rules, often out of concern about potential retribution by the powerful NRA.
Washington Governor Jay Inslee, a Democrat, told Trump that teachers in his state do not want to carry weapons. In a later interview with the Media he said he was encouraged by Trump’s apparent flexibility on issues like raising the minimum age to buy firearms and stronger background checks.
Florida plans to invest $500 million to have a significant law enforcement presence in every public school in the state, Scott told the White House meeting, adding “I‘m not waiting for the federal 
Trump criticized the law enforcement officers who responded to the shooting.
An armed school resource officer stationed at the school stayed outside during the attack, and has since resigned his position. Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel has been criticized for his department’s response to the shooting.
“The way they performed was, frankly, disgusting,” Trump said, adding that he believed that if he were in the same situation, he would have run into the school, “even if I didn’t have a weapon”
The businessman-turned-politician avoided military service during the Vietnam War through student and medical deferments.
An attorney for Peterson defended his actions in a statement that he had remained outside because he believed the gunfire was occurring outside the school, according to local media.
Trump has said he plans to limit sales of “bump stocks,” an accessory that can modify a legally purchased semiautomatic rifle to fire at high rates of speed akin to a machine gun. Fully automatic machine guns are largely banned under U.S. law. The NRA has pushed back against that idea, saying that new restrictions on firearms would impinge on the rights of law-abiding gun owners while having no effect on public safety.



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