U.K Prime Minister mandated to make public, secret orders on crimes by M15
The Prime Minister has, today, been forced to publish a previously secret order governing criminal activity by British security services. This is the first
time that the UK Government has acknowledged that guidance exists to regulate
such activity within the United Kingdom by MI5 agents.
order – referred to as the ‘Third Direction’ in official documents – was only published after a
seven-month legal battle by Reprieve and Privacy International. It instructs the Investigatory Powers Commissioner to oversee the participation of MI5 agents in criminal activity.
The order was first made in
2014, but until now the Government has claimed that its publication would undermine national security. Theresa May continues to refuse to publish the
guidance to the security services that governs when and in what circumstances individual
officers are permitted to break the law.
Reprieve is launching a video called Charade in collaboration with the artist David Birkin which features over 50 people – including Benedict
Cumberbatch, Rebecca Hall, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Trevor Paglen, Peter Kennard,and Martha Rosler – acting out what activity they think agents could be
involved in. It will be screened in public places across the UK this spring as
part of a campaign calling on the Government to publish the Guidance.https://www.semperdiamondlodge.com
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